I help people who are ready to arise and fulfill their personal, career, and business dreams.
Karren Y. Alexander, a...

Karren Y. Alexander
As the world’s only Canologist™, Karren teaches people how to lift the limits off of their beliefs and have an "I Can" mindset. Karren inspires people to unlock the shackles of self-imposed limitations and achieve their goals and dreams by being motivated with an attitude of determination. She encourages people to access the power and authority that resides within to revolutionize their verbal speech pattern and align their heart, soul, and mind to conceive and believe that they can achieve their goals, dreams, and desires. Karren believes “If the how is big enough, the why will take care of itself”.
Karren started her federal government career over 35 years ago as an Accountant and recently retired in a senior leadership position. Over the years, as she progressed through her career, Karren was responsible for leading financial management organizations responsible for various aspects of budget formulation and execution, project management, financial management and policy, and financial statements for billions of dollars. Most notably, for 23 of her 35 years, Karren successfully led numerous major business process re-engineering and modernization projects. As such, Karren had the amazing opportunity to master the ability to motivate and instill a sense of determination with her staff and teams. Because of her success, she began to share with other organizations which launched her speaking career. Revitalizing, reinvigorating, encouraging, motivating, and BUILDING teams is what Karren loves to do. She loves to restore a team’s energy because she believes “THE IMPOSSIBLE IS POSSIBLE.”
Karren has been a keynoter, trainer, and motivational speaker for over 20 years for various churches, corporations, professional organizations, schools, state and federal government Agencies, across the United States and Europe. Karren says, “I offer a fun, entertaining, and yet informative presentation that empowers people. My engagements are customized to align with their theme or address a particular topic. Thus, my presentations are targeted to equip the audience with vital tools needed to empower them to be more than conquerors.” Karren has had more than standing room attendance for her sessions on essential leadership skills for the past nine years for a national training conference. She’s an Accountant, as well as, served in a senior leadership position in the federal government. Thus, her presentations and motivational (which she refers to as transformational) sessions are not geared towards what she has read but based on her “real life” leadership experiences and workplace challenges. Her presentations are engaging and rallies, as well as, equip your group with a visual and essential take away serving as a reminder of the essence of their value and need to strive to utilize their gifts and talents to the fullest extent. “My messages are forever memorable!”, says Karren.
Let’s think about it…”Is the Impossible possible?”
Yes, as long as we acknowledge that all things are not perfect. Your YET can be better than the situation at hand. Yet meaning regardless of the negative facts, despite the situation (i.e. behind schedule, needing additional resources, etc.), Karren likes to always remind people to be a continuous learner striving for excellence. Otherwise, a staff, organization, group, or person risk the possibility of getting into an “Again Cycle”.
The “Again Cycle” occurs when a bad habit, situation, decision, is allowed to continue day after day, month after month or even year after year, without proper correction. Karren introduces tips and tools that can be used to get out of this cycle.
The Again Cycle

The strength of a team’s will power is a measure of how successful they can be.
“There are things that we should not do, in order to achieve our CAN do. Thus, there’s no such thing as CAN’T”, says Karren. CAN is Karren’s favorite word used as an acronym to indicate how to progress upwards and move forward to accomplish an organization’s or individual’s mission and/or goals, and dreams.
First, there is an acknowledgement of the capabilities identified based on the knowledge and skills of all individuals. Secondly, there is an acknowledgement of everyone’s abilities based on the strength of the will power to mentally do something well because both are necessary to succeed.
Karren provides tips and tools whether via a keynote, motivational speech, or training how an organization can continuously progress as a team or individual. Karren states in her book titled Invisible Hand: Overcoming Obstacles and Challenges, “Accept a challenge as an opportunity to tap into the inner world of creativity. It’s then that you will succeed.” Karren’s message instructs the audience to let go of the past and embrace the future, by renewing the mind with different thoughts and ideas, dwelling on the good and the perfect, and have the determination to come out and forge forward.