Build A No Limits Life


  • Are you ready to be open to new thoughts and ideas?
  • Are you ready to identify and lift limiting beliefs?
  • Are you ready to rediscover your gifts and talents?
  • Are you just ready to ensure that you don’t have “that’s my lot in life” attitude?

This training will help you identify values and beliefs that may have been quite successful for your past but won’t help you to forge forward.  As stated in my favorite book “As a man thinks, so is he”.  Many people are satisfied with living a life where success is measured by doing nothing.  Is that you?  I hope not.  I’d rather fail at stepping out to discover the satisfaction and joy that comes with fulfilling your goals and dreams rather than standing still.  This training is designed to awaken your mind, empower your life, and IGNITE your inner source.

Many years ago, I was a member of a national women’s organization.  Our local chapter was having a ½ day training event.  I was on the team responsible for coordinating the main speaker who was going to teach a career development course.  A few days before the training event, the speaker called and said that she wouldn’t be able to meet her commitment because of a family emergency.  At the last minute, I was voluntold (yes, this is where others volunteer you) to create a one hour course.  I would always create courses for my staff based on books I’d read but had never taught in an open forum.

Well guess what?  I had two choices?  Say no or rise to the occasion.  I reluctantly accepted the assignment.  I’ll never forget how nervous I was.  My stomach was upset because I was concerned that the attendees would not like the training.  I kept thinking…I’m an Accountant.  I’m not a trainer!  Well, guess what!  The room was packed.  The training was a success!  Yes, the attendees loved the training!  Matter-of-fact, my name was submitted to teach this same course at the national convention.  And then…other organizations started requesting me.   That’s when I embraced my gift as a teacher!  I learned that preparing for a speech, developing a course or workshop, AND then delivering the knowledge was transformational me and the attendees!

I know you’ve probably had a similar experience.  However, did you embrace it? OR did you set it aside by telling yourself…

  • Aw, that was just a one-time affair.
  • I don’t have the time to pursue this.
  • People are going to think I’m crazy and won’t support me.”

But wait!  I thought those thoughts too.  However, I felt this yearning, this pulling, this desire to pour into the lives of others and help them excel to the best version of themselves.  I eventually created a “no limits” attitude within myself.  I thought earning my Master’s degree in accounting was the highlight of my success. I thought I had arrived by having a successful Federal Government career as a senior manager.   But I had tapped into something special.  I had tapped into understanding my purpose and a very special gift residing on the inside of me that brought me so much peace and joy.  After receiving many request to speak, whether keynoter, motivational, leadership trainer, workshop host, etc.  I eventually embraced the opportunity to be a business owner.  I started my first company in 2007.  The only name I could think of was how I felt about my newly found “no limits” attitude.  I realized that I had created a new level of thinking wrapped around a renewed positive attitude motivated with determination; thus, PAMD International.

What’s your best next move?  What needs to be birth out of you?  Are you ready to adjust your attitude and take it to the next level?  If so, register for this amazing course.

In this five week course, you will learn:

  • How to act like you have the power to change.
  • How to assess opportunities for continuous growth and fulfillment.
  • How to tap into that “joy unspeakable joy”.
  • How you will never limit yourself again based on your own emotional thoughts and behaviors to sabotage your progress.
  • How to discern movement versus progress.

Developing self-awareness promotes increased productivity and higher satisfaction and fulfillment in your personal life, career, and business. 

Who Will Benefit:  Anyone needing to lift the limits off of their beliefs and have a “Yes I Can” attitude.

This Personal Development Training Will Be Transformational For You

YOU CAN have a more fulfilling life, career, and business because YOU are:

  • Capable of rejuvenation through self-exploration and life empowerment.
  • Able to reignite your thoughts and behaviors to take your personal life, career, and business to the next level.
  • Needed by your colleagues, family, and clients to recharge based on the strength of your inner will to create the emotional strength needed to succeed.

This is a five week course, coupled with multiple group and an one-on-one call.

Got questions? Contact us at

Join Me and My CanologyTM Institute Team

This amazing 5-week course is valued at $997.00.

However, today’s price is ONLY $797.00.

All personal, Government, and corporate cards accepted.